Creatief met je verpakking!
Weggooien is zonde! Net zoals onze producten bestaan onze verpakkingen ook uit karton. Wij weten als geen ander wat er met dit materiaal allemaal mogelijk is: van interieur, tot speelgoed en kantoorartikelen. Daarom nemen we je graag mee in onze wereld van karton, zodat het speelplezier nóg leuker en creatiever wordt.
Hieronder wat tips, tricks en tools om je op weg te helpen, maar laat vooral je creativiteit spreken. Wij kijken uit naar jullie creaties!
Wij helpen een handje!
Zomaar wat ideetjes



Sustainable diy packages made of cardboard
There is almost nothing as creative as cardboard! We know this all too well, which is why we also offer sustainable DIY kits. These kits are perfect for gifting or for purchasing and getting hands-on yourself!
Are you interested in making a DIY lamp or a birdhouse construction kit? Or perhaps you already have your own design in mind and only need a custom-sized cardboard sheet? No problem, we have exactly what you're looking for! Cardboard is simply the perfect material for crafting. The possibilities are endless, and the result is always unique and original.
And once your project is complete, you can give it a splash of color to finish it off! Add some paint, markers, or decorative elements to personalize your creation and make it shine. The great thing about cardboard is that it's easy to work with and adheres well to different types of paint, providing you with endless design possibilities.
With our sustainable cardboard DIY kits, you can not only enjoy a creative process but also contribute to a more sustainable future. Cardboard is a renewable material that can be recycled, making it an environmentally friendly choice for crafting enthusiasts. So, what are you waiting for? Get started with our DIY kits and let your creativity flow!